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07 September 2020|Apartment Updates

Welcome to The Langston's new display suite!

With construction at The Langston powering ahead, Cbus Property’s on-site display suite has moved into newly fitted-out premises recently, right next door at 24 Langston Place, Epping.

Conveniently positioned at the southern end of the Langston Place retail strip, the new display suite will ultimately adjoin The Langston’s future retail precinct, which is rapidly taking shape.

With a 3.6-metre wide video screen featuring prominently at the front of the display suite, there have been plenty of pedestrians stopping by to watch our construction updates and other project videos, as the Epping community gets to know more about The Langston.

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Meanwhile, the exterior of the display suite has also caught the attention of locals, thanks to the latest in a series of mural artworks from Epping born and bred artist, Andrew Dennis, who brought the façade of the building back to life during a week in early August 2020.

So next time you’re passing by 24 Langston Place, feel free to stop in and say hi to our team – our friendly sales agents are available from Wednesday to Sunday, 1pm to 4pm.

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